Sun, Apr 02, 23.

Chosen Men.

  1. There are certain men heaven considers for a particular reason or purpose.
  2. Job is an example of man who was considered by heaven for something
  3. This can be seen in God’s question to Satan concerning Job, when God asked “Have you considered my servant Job” [Job 1:8; 2:3]
  4. Conditions for being a considered man
    1. Faithfulness
    2. Prophethood
    3. Being chosen by God
    4. Righteousness
    5. Power
  5. Moses was chosen by God over Korah, Dathan and Abiram
  6. Moses was faithful
  7. Job was a prophet – he saw God.
  8. The council was looking for king of the earth. This can be seen in the fact that he was compared to all the men on the earth.
  9. The Pharisees believed in baptism and knew that you need high authority from God to baptize [Joh 1:25]. They expected that Elijah, the Prophet, and the Christ were ones who had authority to baptize.
  10. Jesus’ disciples believed that the Messiah was “the Prophet”. Their understanding was better than that of the Pharisees who differentiated The Prophet from the Christ.
  11. They also knew that Jesus was the Son of God, the King of Israel.
  12. Some prophesies are only meant to be understood after they have been fulfilled [Joh 2:20-22]. It was after His resurrection that they understood what He meant by destroying the temple and rebuilding in 3 days.
  13. The miracles of Jesus prove that He is from God – according to Nicodemus [Joh 3:2]
  14. Born Again means to be born of the Spirit – according to Jesus [Joh 3:7-8]. Therefore, seeing the kingdom and entering the kingdom are the same [Joh 3:3,5].
  15. That Jesus has access to heaven is one of John’s major points thus far [Joh 3:13]. He made mention of Jesus being with God in the beginning.
  16. Jesus is superior because He is from above [Joh 3:31]. If being from above means He was sent by heaven – like other prophets – then Jesus cannot be superior. If this means He was sent by heaven like other prophets, then the statement is meaningless.
  17. Life is a place, i.e., that place is the source of life, it is the place where there is access to life [Joh 3:36]
  18. Jesus is called the word by John because He speaks the words of God; He has the words of life.
  19. When the Spirit of God came upon Christ at the baptism, it did not make Jesus the Son of God, He received the Spirit of God because He is the Son of God.
  20. Descent from David or virgin birth is not what makes Jesus the Son of God.